Simple, Practical, and Effective Financial Strategies for Retirement.

The show that gives you wealth strategies that actually work.

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Two men with cash in hand, promoting financial savings with a "Waste Less Money in Retirement" slogan.

8 Ways to Waste Less Money in Retirement

Retirement is a time to enjoy the fruits of your labor, but it’s essential to manage your finances wisely to ensure a comfortable and worry-free lifestyle. Here are 8 ways to waste less money in retirement.

There’s a lot that comes with planning for retirement. Let’s talk about REAL money questions with REAL financial advisors.

Hidden Fees the Financial Industry Doesn’t Want You to Catch.

Are you ready to uncover the secret world of hidden fees that the financial industry hopes you won’t notice?

Retirement Talk is here to give you the knowledge you need to make confident decisions, so you can:


We’ll simplify investment strategies and trends to help you on your financial journey.
With decades of experience, we’ve seen a lot over the years – and can’t wait to share our knowledge, with no pressure, catches or sales pitches.


Sure, investing can be a rollercoaster and we get it—we don’t want to lose money in the market, either! Our goal on this show is to help you understand how to protect and grow your money no matter what’s going on in the world.


We’re given one life, and we should enjoy it.
We’re blessed in many ways, and we want to share the financial strategies we’ve used ourselves, including what didn’t work and what we learned.

Latest Episodes

Two men with cash in hand, promoting financial savings with a "Waste Less Money in Retirement" slogan.

8 Ways to Waste Less Money in Retirement

Retirement is a time to enjoy the fruits of your labor, but it’s essential to manage your finances wisely to ensure a comfortable and worry-free lifestyle. Here are 8 ways to waste less money in retirement.
Two men gesturing with concern and disapproval against a backdrop of cash and the text '3 Biggest Financial Traps to Avoid This Year'.

3 Biggest Financial Traps We’ve Seen This Year

Want to keep your hard-earned cash safe from financial traps and pitfalls? You’re in the right place! Join us for some friendly advice on dodging common money traps, making smart choices, and securing your financial future.
Man discussing fixed income travel with the text "travel for cheap!" and airplane graphic on green background.

Explore the World On a Fixed Income

Travel is a top goal for retirees, but it can be a challenge to do that when your income is fixed. Here are our best hacks to save money on travel in retirement—or anytime, really.

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5 Questions to Ask as You Make a Retirement Income Plan

Do you know you have enough money to last throughout your whole retirement and support the lifestyle you want? Ask yourself these questions to find out.

About Us

There’s so much noise out there about money and investing. Who can you really trust?

When it comes to financial advice, you shouldn’t always trust the drama on cable news or Uncle Jim on Facebook.

After all, it’s your money, and you’ve worked hard for it! But it’s more than that—it’s your financial future, livelihood and lifestyle. You probably have some important dreams attached to that.

We have dreams, too, and we want to help you make yours a reality—which is why we created this show! This show is more than “retirement talk” – it’s the small steps you have to take now to gain confidence in your plan. It starts with knowledge- and we have plenty of it to go around. We’re here for you!